Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Not dead yet

Hello there, I'm not dead yet tho it's been awhile.. My last post was three (yes three) years ago. Since then we've had covid-19 break out and many other things. Fall 2016 I had kind a burn out or mild depression which lead in to a lack of interest in to my dear hobbies blogging, home deco and diy. I started doing only things that bring me instant joy and strength to carry on.

My long time dream was then to learn how to ride a horse (still kinda is). I started riding lessons in dutch and in time I did not understand half of what they were saying on the lesson.. Perseverance kept me going and joy of learning new things. Same time I started studying in open university - although learning new things. My first essee was horrible to read, mile long sentences and I had no glu of new studying methods. But course after course I did get better and now 76 studypoints later, I am a better writer and I do know how to navigate in online library. Long story short I've done other things than writing a blog, I've thought about it, but done nothing to it.

Now, today is the day. I am willing to give this blog a one more go. I'll try if I have still some thing to give to this ongrowing online realm, where youtube and tiktok are conquering the world.

One thing what made me stop creating new content was that I had nothing to say, no new things to show and mainly thought that I was not enough, my blog was not enough. I've grown, got older maybe wiser too.. And I think I still have story to tell and things to share.

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