Hello again. Month June has gone so fast. My trip to Amsterdam with my friend, summer parties including midsummer party with our guests from Finland, children's school trips and festivities... and what else? Yes, allotment. Well thing is it has not really been raining here in Tilburg elsewhere well but not here. So I've done great a mount of watering (and weeding). I sure have to say that everything has been growing well. When I looked at the end of may pics all the plants were tiny and now almost full size and still going strong. This year was first year that I really have tried to expand my growing season and it sure is longer here in the Netherlands than in south Finland.
Here above is my Nero di Milano - planted out few weeks ago, hoping to get harvest during our summer holiday. First seedling gives already a nice harvest (planted out mid may). Below first sweetcorn seedlings are going strong (out in mid may). Summer flowers haven't been a great success, but some are in bloom. Maybe I sowed them too late, or I'm just impatient.
Sweet pea (Royal Blue) was a gift from my neighbor - jus loving it. Both pumpkins Muscat de Provence (green) and Sweet mama (yellow) grows good in these hotbeds. Hotbed also holds the moisture little bit better than bare ground. They are both now size of small skills football.
I have been harvesting turnips, beetroot and also potatoes. Early variety Tiamo wasn't my favorite but middle early Gourmandine is so tasty. No wonder it was advertised to be good for cooking. Allotment really looks bit like a jungle, but I do not mind. It may look a bit messy jungle, but it is my jungle and I love it.